madamemiss clay

art gallery

Photo: Clay garden pot decorated with Popsicle sticks and buttons to look vaguely human-like. Ignore the three corks standing in for feet. Photo: Back of clay pot decorated with two buttons to suggest a bunny rabbit behind. This guy is weird, what ho.

This year in Paris, all the brassy girls are a-twitter with the new potato-and-sticks look. "Oh, my, yes," giggled Missoula Falls, a Chinstrap, Dakota escapee and long-time vodka dealer, whose "adult" stage name is Fransiscan Nights. "It's ever so risqué and pretty and, oh, I dunno, fashion!"

Ms. Falls is shown here on Jelato's runway in last week's Post-Printemps and Mid-Verão Frolic, held to support indigent hauteurs. Isn't she stunning in her array of pastel sticks, which are cleverly adorned with antique buttons. Ever the power woman, she's ready for any international crisis with her integrated satellite dish, but shows her softer side by her over-size heart button. Yes, she is a romantic, and her optional Compatible Partner EyeStalk™ helps her find true happiness.

Finally, as Missoula leaves the spotlight to jet to her next exciting assignment, her daring back-less outfit accents her bunny butt and available NightSoil Extraction Mechanism.

The reality is that my sister Lisa throws a party every year, sometimes a Luau, this year Mardi Gras, but always with a Limbo followed by Fletman's Death-Defying Dance of Accidental Death (and Dismemberment). (No, I don't know what either of those have to do with Mardi Gras. Sorry.) This year the optional entertainment was Clay Pot Decorating! Yes. It was like all your nightmare remembrances of Summer Camp Hell resurrected. Unless you had your very first glockenspiel experiences at summer camp, in which case this is merely like my remembrances.

... Anyway. A Walmart box-o-buttons, a few stale corks, a hot and sticky glue gun, and voilà!

This page is dedicated to the improvement of Lisa's art sense. It's best you don't ask.

madamemiss clay
mike carroll
july 2001
approximately 10" wide x 18" high
clay pot, painted wooden sticks, buttons, corks, toy rolling eyes

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