Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Ensure domestic bliss: Johnny-Light!
I found this via your basic web surfing "I fell over this" synchronicity. I'm ripping CDs to MP3 for the day when we tie the LAN to the stereo. Currently in the player is Ethel and the Shameless Hussies' Born to Run.

During the 1980's I worked for Applied Data Research, a software company (see the link for How ADR Got Into the Software Products Business for a fascinating read - well, if you're an ex-ADR employee, perhaps!). Each year ADR would host a user conference for its products, called CADRE (Common ADR Environment, or something like that), in a different city. And each year the attendees would find a favorite local bar and hang out.

One of the last CADREs was in Nashville, and the favorite bar had Ethel and the Shameless Hussies playing all week. They liked us, and we liked them. The prodigious amount of alcohol that ADR employees and customers drank might have had a little bearing on this, but the group was actually pretty good. Good enough that I remembered them years later (even though I don't usually care for country music) when I came across a cut-out CD of their only recording. One of the ADR product managers had developed a crush on The Hussies during that CADRE, and I bought the CD so I could send him a copy.

Being a curious sort of person, I wondered if they were still around and Google brought me to Kacey Jones' site, the founder of the group. Poking around I found a reference to the Johnny-Light. Another Google and here we are.

Aren't you sorry you asked? What, you didn't ask? Oh, well...


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