old guest book entries

guest book

Like a social butterfly, the druid labs guest book flits from host to host, looking for a magical place to land. These are the postings from previous experiments.
Warning: Reality damage may occur.

Make up a name: Chippy Bird
Coming from: The Chips
Blather me this, Batmeister: whence came these storms, thither or hither? Flarksters bemoan the end of summith. Flarksters be darned, I say. Summith ends as it shall end, as it has always ended: badly, and with proliferating lawsuits. You know, the nice kind, blue, with a little power tie. But never mind. Summith hath been gooth. Very, very gooth. And it shall return when the roiling blasts of hellfire decide the thyme is riot.

Make up a name: NEAR by
Coming from: EROS
Smashingly good!

Make up a name: MOONHAWK
Coming from: Somewhere you've been
Hi Gang ! Keep up the good work. Love, Bob

Make up a name: Floss Gently
Coming from: Bicuspid, Montana
Lovely site.

Make up a name: Frankly Beer
Coming from: Molasses, VA
Sometimes you just got to.

Greetings from Chichen Itza - 12/23/00 19:26:00
Pops, Mom! Hi from Mexico. All is well and my adventures are continuing. My Spanish is much improved and I'm considering majoring in modern languages at TCNJ if you still insist that I attend college there. What do you think? Love always, Adrien/ne

College of New Heresy, Police Log - 12/21/00 20:09:40
Saturday, December 16. Late afternoon. Hooded, hobbitic female & bearded male companion with a saturnine demeanor were seen briefly in Bliss, before drowning their sorrows at the nearest watering hole. Investigation pending.

McKinfey - 11/29/00 23:14:46
Whither there are Hobbitts, there are frequently Men of Westernesse (exilic wanderers sitting in the dark shadows, exhaling blue smoke from long-stemmed pipes & quaffing ale from 2-liter tankards). Hail & well met! This is a merry place to rest my bones awhile. Yes, thank you very much! Coffee & meatloaf will be just fine.

Some 6,000 (very) odd years ago, I was known as Intyalin Parmaite ("Imaginer with a Book in his Hand" in the Elvish tongue & if you've never had Elvish tongue, you don't know what you're missing, but I digress), but in this latter age of the world, I'm sometimes called McKinfey (which also means something clever, but never mind about that). I have a feeling we are kin from afar. May your fortunes be thrice-blessed & much mirth to all bouncing dogs. And thanks again for letting me rest a spell.

Riddle me this: who put the kef in brown?

thisisjustatest - 11/29/00 22:21:54
as above, so below

Squeeze - 10/18/00 23:15:30
Just finished browing your site; very enjoyable. The same goes for Sunday night. The FKB were out of this world, and so was the stew and brew. Squeezes from Jean and Nic

Mrs. Hobbitt - 09/16/00 20:58:19
His has to be the first? Why must it always be this way?

hobbitt - 09/16/00 06:23:29
Well, of course mine is the first entry...